Yes, Cielo Linked can help you link multiple mini-splits. Consider that you have one Cielo Breez Max connected to your mini-split in your bedroom and another Cielo Breez Max connected to your other mini-split in the living room. You can link these two together in a way that when your bedroom AC is turned off, your living room AC automatically turns on, and vice versa. (You can use this case as an example to link as many mini-splits as you want based on your situation).
Here’s how you can create a link to do that:
Step 1: Open the Cielo Home app. Tap on ‘Menu’ on the home screen and then tap ‘Explore’.
Step 2: Tap the ‘+’ icon and ‘Select a source’.
Step 3: Select Breez Max Bedroom as the triggering device and tap ‘Next’. Tap on ‘Power state’ and select ‘Powered Off’. Tap ‘Next’.
Step 4: Tap on ‘Select the device’. Select Breez Max Living Room and tap ‘Next’.
Step 5: Select ‘Change Settings’.
Step 6: Set the ‘AC state’ to ‘Power On’ and change the settings according to your preferences. Tap ‘Next’.
Step 7: Tap on ‘Create Link’.
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