1. We will create Cielo Partners portal account for distributors and send them the credentials over email.
Note: In case the email is not in the inbox, please check the junk/spam folder. The email will be sent from this address: donotreply@cielowigle.com
2. Sign in to Cielo Partners portal here: https://partners.cielowigle.com/ using the ID and temporary password shared in the email.
3. Once you sign in, you will have to set up a new password for your account.
4. Once the password is changed, a PDF of the user manual will appear. Please download it to proceed.
5. After downloading the user manual, you'll land on the dashboard:
- Add branches (In case of multiple branches).
- Search by Reference ID to check warranty status & to claim credit.
- View transaction history.
- View wallet amount.
Access useful links such as:
- Cielo support articles
- FAQs regarding the credit claim process
- Cielo’s YouTube channel
- Cielo’s email for assistance
- Distributor’s account name, ID, and option to sign out.
If a distributor has multiple branches in various locations, they can set up a separate account for each branch here.
The distributor can share the password of the main account with other branches.
Adding branches
1. Click on ‘Add Branch’
2. Assign an ID to the branch as per preference, but the prefix (main branch’s ID) will remain the same. The ID can include alphanumeric and special characters including:
. (Dot)
- (Dash)
_ (Underscore)
Add the Branch name and email (This email will receive the credentials to sign in).
Fill in all the other information and click on ‘Add Branch’.
3. The branch account will be created, and login details will be sent to the email provided during branch registration.
Disabling Branch Account
The distributor can also deactivate the branch account using the toggle button. Once deactivated, the account will be suspended immediately until reactivated.
Warranty Claim Process
A Pro will initiate the warranty claim process by contacting Cielo Technical Customer Support. Once Cielo has approved the warranty claim, the pro will be provided with a Reference ID. To claim the warranty, the pro will visit the distributor with the Reference ID along with the faulty device.
Credit Claim Process for Distributors
1. Enter the Reference ID provided by the Pro and click on the search icon.
2. A pop-up will display details including the Reference ID, Pro ID (provided by Cielo) along with their details, device type, warranty status, and credit claim amount.
Note 1: If the distributor proceeds with the claim settlement without first verifying the warranty claim status, and later discovers that the Reference ID was invalid or it has already been claimed, we will not be liable to offer credit for that claim.
Note 2: The distributor must retrieve the faulty device from the Pro before settling the warranty claim.
3. Click on the ‘Claim Credit’ button at the bottom of the page to claim credit.
4. You will receive a confirmation that the warranty claim is successful, and the amount specific to the particular device will be added to the wallet.
Transaction History
- The distributor can review the details of the claimed credit in the transaction history.
- The transaction history will have all the details, including the date & time, device type, Pro name, reference ID against which the credit was claimed, branch name (main account or the branch that claimed the warranty), the amount credited to the wallet and the balance after the recent transaction.
Credit Adjustment
The balance in the wallet will be adjusted in distributor’s next order with Cielo. The amount in the wallet will be adjusted in the purchase invoice. The distributor can also check the details of the adjustment in the transaction history.
Already Claimed Reference ID
1. Enter the Reference ID provided by the Pro and click on the search icon.
2. If the status shows as "Already Claimed," the distributor is not obligated to process the claim. The distributor should notify the pro that the reference ID they provided has already been claimed.
Branch Claiming the Warranty
The branch will only be authorized to settle the warranty for Pro and claim credit against it.
The pop up will not have the amount associated with the particular device in case the branch is claiming credit.
The branch will not be able to see the credit amount in the transaction history. The balance and final adjustments will only be visible in the main branch account.
The branch will not be able to see the credit amount in transaction history. The balance and final adjustments will only be visible in the main branch account (shown below).
What should you do if the warranty has already been claimed?
If the status shows as "Already Claimed," you are not obligated to process the claim. You should notify the pro that the reference ID they provided has already been claimed.
If you proceed with the settlement without verifying the status of the warranty and later find out that it has already been claimed, we will not be liable to offer credit against that.
How will my wallet be adjusted?
The balance in the wallet will be adjusted when you place your next order with Cielo.
Which Cielo devices are eligible for this credit claim process?
The smart thermostats mentioned below are eligible for credit claims:
- Cielo Breez Max
- Cielo Smart Thermostat
- Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco
What are the terms and conditions of the extended warranty?
We provide a 5-year warranty for Cielo Smart Thermostat and Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco, and a 4-year warranty for Cielo Breez Max for installation done by Pros.
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