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What is ‘Comfy Humidity Mode’? How can I set comfy humidity mode using Cielo Home App connected to Cielo Breez Eco?



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    Manish Patel

    Comfy Mode is good. Like that. However there are missing things:

    - Comfy mode can not be temperature range.

      It needs to be set as a single temperature (e.g. 75F), but then user should be able to set the temperature swing to be either 1,2,3,4 degrees may be up to 10 degrees.

    - Comfy Mode temperature setting can not just be ONE. Period.

       It needs to be similar to any thermostat where temperature is different at given time of the day.

       Should be able to set different comfy mode for at least 4 times a day. (Even better would be just as many as you want to add)

       Basically, get rid of comfy mode, instead introduce "Program" like an actual smart thermostat.

    - Separate comfy modes for summer(ac)/winter(heat pump).

       Temperature can not be same for these operating modes and I do not want to change this each season.

        So basically Cool/Heat programs.

         Moreover, Cool/Heat program should have associated louver position setting as well (which is unique thing for Split units).

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