Know Your Thermostat
Indicates your current thermostat settings (Heat/Cool/Auto/AUX/Off). Tap on the mode icon and select your preferred mode.
Displays humidity levels in your home.
Indoor Temperature
Displays your current home temperature.
Set Point
Shows temperature set point. Set your preferred temperature by tapping on it and then use the up & down arrows to adjust.
Hold Settings
These settings let you hold the current Mode & temperature for a desired period of time.
A. 'Hold till next schedule' lets you hold the current settings until the next schedule begins (if any).
B. 'Hold till a specific time' lets you hold the current settings for a specific time from 1 hour to 24 hours.
C. 'Permanent Hold' lets you hold the current settings until you manually change them.
Shows the current weather of your area plus a 7-day forecast.
Allows you to adjust all system settings, device preferences, and more.
Gives you quick access to Home/Away temperature settings.
You can set different settings for when you are home or away and for different times of the day. You can select your preferred Preset with just a tap. There are 4 default Presets, 'Home', 'Away', 'Sleep', and 'Pets'.
Setting up weather
To set up the weather, enter your address in the Cielo Home app.
A. Go to settings by tapping the 'Settings' icon on the control screen.
B. Tap on ‘Device Preferences’.
C. Tap on 'Add Address'.
D. Enter your address details and tap on 'Next'.
E. Pick a label or add a custom address, and tap on 'Save'.
You have successfully added the address.
1. On- Device Registration
Configuring your Cielo Smart Thermostat for the first time.
Upon powering up your Cielo Smart Thermostat, you can begin setting it up. You can either set it up using the app or continue the on-device registration process.
In this case, tap on ‘Continue Here’ to proceed.
Select the wires you connected to your thermostat backplate. (Refer to the picture you took while installing your thermostat.) Tap on ‘Next.’
Note: The wiring screen may appear different based on your wire selection.
Based on your wire selection, this step requires you to select your heating source and determine how you want your system to work. After you have configured these settings, tap on 'Next.'
Choose how the temperature should be displayed.
Name your thermostat.
Set your HVAC mode and preferred heating and cooling temperature.
Connect your thermostat to Wi-Fi to access it remotely. Tap on ‘Scan Wi-Fi Networks’.
After a successful connection, tap on ‘Next’.
Select your country and time zone. Tap ‘ Next’.
To connect your thermostat to the Cielo Home App, tap on ‘ Get Registration Code.’ Enter this in your Cielo Home app. You can also skip this step if you don’t want to connect to the app at the moment.
Your registration process is complete.
Connecting your Thermostat to the Cielo Home app
If you haven't connected the thermostat with the Cielo Home app during setup, here's how to do it:
Step 1: On the thermostat, tap on the 'Menu' icon.
Step 2: Select 'Registration'.
Step 3: Tap on 'Get Registration Code'. You will be presented with a unique six-digit code that will be valid for the next 30 minutes.
Step 4: Open the Cielo Home app, tap ‘Add Device' on the home screen, and select Smart Thermostat from the list of devices.
Step 5: Tap on 'Start Registration', enter the six-digit code, and tap 'Next'.
You have successfully connected the Cielo Home app with the thermostat.
2. Fan Settings
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Fan Settings'.
Step 2: You have the option to run the fan on Auto, set a timer, or turn it on continuously.
3. Setting Up Schedules for Your Heating & Cooling
Cielo Smart Thermostat lets you set intelligent cooling/heating schedules so you can enjoy a true smart home experience and maximize your energy savings.
3A. Setting up Schedules on Your Cielo Smart Thermostat
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Schedules'.
Step 2: Tap on the '+' sign at the top right corner of the screen.
Step 3: Select the time and day(s) on which you want the schedule to run.
Step 4: Select the 'Preset' you want to add to your schedule, in this case, 'Home.'
You can also add a custom schedule by selecting ‘Custom’ in Presets.
Step 5: Tap 'Add'. Your schedule is now saved.
3B. Deleting/Editing a Schedule
Step 1: Go to ‘Menu’ and select ‘Schedules’.
Step 2: On the 'Schedule' screen, you will see all your set schedules. Tap on the schedule you want to edit.
Step 3: Make your desired changes or tap the 'delete' icon if you wish to delete the schedule.
4. Presets
You can enjoy a truly tailored experience with predefined comfort settings, including Home, Away, Sleep, and Pets.
Editing a Preset
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Presets'.
Step 2: Select the 'Preset' you want to edit.
Step 3: Tap on the temperature setpoints to change them to your preferred settings.
5. Vacation Mode
If you're planning to be away for an extended period, Vacation Mode can help you conserve energy while ensuring that your home is comfortable when you return.
5A. Setting Up Vacation Mode
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Vacation'. Tap on the '+' sign at the top right corner of the screen.
Step 2: Enter the start date and time.
Step 3: Tap 'Start Settings' and select your preferred temperature settings.
Step 4: Tap the back arrow.
Step 5: Enter the end date and time.
Step 6: Tap 'End Settings' and select your preferred temperature settings. Tap back arrow
Step 7: Tap 'Save'.
Your Vacation Mode is now saved.
5B.Editing/Deleting Vacation Mode
Step 1: Tap on the saved vacation and make your desired changes. Tap 'Save'.
Step 2: If you wish to delete the vacation schedule, tap the delete icon on the top right corner of the screen.
6. Changing Wi-Fi
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Wi-Fi'.
Step 2: Select 'Change Wi-Fi'.
Step 3: You can either change Wi-Fi on the device or use the Cielo Home app.
In this case, tap on ‘Change Wi-Fi’ here. It will start scanning, and a list of available Wi-Fi networks will appear.
Step 4: Select your desired Wi-Fi network.
Step 5: Enter the password and tap 'Connect'.
Step 6: Tap 'Finish'.
7. Accessing your HVAC Settings
7A. HVAC System
This gives you information about the equipment you have installed.
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'HVAC Settings'.
Step 2: Tap on 'HVAC System'.
Step 3: Tap on ‘Configured Equipment’. Your configured equipment is shown on the screen.
Heat Pump preferences
You can adjust your heat pump settings here.
7B. Equipment Reconfiguration
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'HVAC Settings'.
Step 2: Select 'Reconfigure your equipment'.
Step 3: Tap 'Start'.
7C. Threshold settings
Threshold settings allow you to optimize the performance of your HVAC system to enhance its energy efficiency.
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'HVAC Settings'.
Step 2: Select ‘Threshold Settings’.
Step 3: You can choose from the premade threshold templates (energy saver, optimal, or comfort) or select 'Advanced' to change settings according to your own preferences.
Equipment Stage Control
It gradually turns off the heating or cooling stages as the home temperature moves closer to the set point. It is only available if your equipment has more than one heating or cooling stage.
- Temperature Difference
Set the minimum temperature difference that the Cielo Smart Thermostat will take into account before engaging in heating and cooling.
- Heat Pump Settings
Temperature Difference - Stage 2
Use the up and down arrows to set the minimum temperature difference from the set point before engaging stage 2 of the compressor.
Minimum Outdoor Temperature
Use the up and down arrows to set the minimum outdoor temperature below which the compressor will not run. You can also disable this setting. However, it is not advised to keep running the compressor at a temperature below what it can handle.
Max Runtime Stage 1
Use the up and down arrows to set the maximum number of minutes that stage 1 will run before engaging stage 2 of the compressor.
Minimum Off Time
Use the up and down arrows to set the minimum amount of time the compressor remains off between cycles.
Minimum On Time
Use the up and down arrows to set the minimum amount of time the compressor will stay on. In case the compressor is activated but the call is terminated abruptly, the compressor will run for the set duration before shutting down.
Heat Dissipation Time
Use up and down arrows to adjust the time that the HVAC fan will run after the heating has been turned off.
Cool Dissipation Time
Use the up and down arrows to adjust the time that the HVAC fan runs after the cooling has been turned off.
8. Changing Time Format
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Date and Time'.
Step 2: Toggle the button to choose a 12 or 24-hour time format.
9. Device Preferences
9A. Changing Device Name
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Device Preferences'.
Step 2: Select ‘Device Name’.
Step 3: Select an existing name from the list or enter your own.
9B. Adjusting Screen Brightness
You can adjust the screen brightness of both the Control and Standby screens.
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Device Preferences'.
Step 2: Select ‘Display Brightness’.
Step 3: Use the slider to adjust the brightness.
9C. Switch to Standby Screen Timer
You can adjust how long it takes to switch to the standby screen after you have finished using your thermostat.
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Device Preferences'.
Step 2: Select ‘Standby Screen’.
Step 3: Use the up/down arrows to adjust the time.
9D. Switch Temperature Units Between Centigrade and Fahrenheit
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Device Preferences'.
Step 2: Select ‘Temperature Unit’.
Step 3: Select your preferred temperature unit.
9E. Heat/Cool Delta
Set your desired minimum heating and cooling temperature difference in Auto Mode.
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Device Preferences'.
Step 2: Select ‘Heat/Cool Delta’.
Step 3: Use up or down arrows to set your preferred temperature difference.
9F. Motion Detection
Your thermostat can automatically detect your presence and activate the control screen. You can also set it up to switch from Away to Home settings when motion is detected. Here's how to do it:
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Device Preferences'.
Step 2: Select ‘Motion Detection’.
Step 3: Toggle the button to turn on motion detection.
9G. Calibrating Temperature & Humidity
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Device Preferences'.
Step 2: Select ‘Temperature Calibration’.
Step 3: Use the up/down arrows to adjust the temperature or humidity as required.
9H. Locking Your Thermostat
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Device Preferences'.
Step 2: Select ‘Screen Lock’. Toggle the screenlock button to set your passcode.
Step 3: Enter your passcode. Re-enter it. Your thermostat screen will be locked. You can unlock it using this passcode.
10. Resetting Cielo Smart Thermostat
10A. Resetting Preferences and Schedules
Resetting Preferences and Schedules will delete all the current settings and preferences, including schedules, hold settings, and motion detection.
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Reset'.
Step 2: Select ‘Reset Preferences and Schedules’.
Step 3: Tap "Yes'.
10B. Factory Reset
By selecting Factory Reset, your thermostat will be completely erased, restoring it to its factory settings.
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Reset'.
Step 2: Select ‘Factory Reset’.
Step 3: Tap "Yes'.
Checking Details of Your Thermostat
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'About'.
You can see the device details here.
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