Cielo Breez Edge lets you control your air conditioner or heat pump with simple voice commands.
Note 1: ‘Cielo Home’ is a smart home skill for Cielo Smart Thermostat. “Cielo Home” skill offers various operational features that are supported by Alexa for Smart Skills category of thermostats.
To configure your Device with Amazon Alexa Smart Skill follow the instructions given below:
Step 1: Login to Amazon Alexa
To sign in, enter your login credentials for your Alexa app and press the “Sign In” button or follow the instructions to create a new account.
Step 2: Enable Skill & Link Account
Tap on ‘More’ in the navigation bar below. Tap on ‘Skills & Games’.
Tap on the search bar and type ‘Cielo Home’. The ‘Cielo Home’ skill will appear in the search results. Select this skill.
To use this skill press “Enable To Use”. This will take you to 'Cielo Home' login window so you can link your account with your Amazon Alexa account. To continue, enter your 'Cielo Home’ app credentials and press the “Sign In” button.
After successful sign-in, you will see a message saying, ‘Cielo Home account has been successfully linked’. Tap ‘Next’ to discover your device.
Then you will get a message saying, ‘Alexa is looking for devices to connect’.
Alexa will start discovering devices. Once done, the list of connected devices will be displayed.
Select your device. In this case, ‘Bedroom’. Then tap on ‘Set up Device' and then 'Continue'.
Step 3: Using Amazon Alexa App to Control your unit.
Apart from Alexa voice controls, you can also control your unit using the Amazon Alexa app. It will give you the following controls:
- Change your Mode - Cool, Heat Auto, and Off.
- Increase or decrease your set point temperature.
Note 2: Alexa Voice Commands for Cielo Smart Thermostat for Mini-Splits
- Note: Bedroom is the name of the device in this case.
- Turn On/Turn Off, e.g. Alexa, turn On/Off Bedroom.
- Increase/Decrease temperature, e.g. Alexa, increase/decrease bedroom temperature by 2 degrees.
- Set temperature, e.g. Alexa, set bedroom to 72 degrees.
- Ask the current set temperature of a specified device, e.g. Alexa, what is bedroom set to?
- Ask the current temperature reading or ambient temperature detected by the device, e.g. Alexa, what is the current bedroom temperature?
- Ask to change HVAC mode - Hey Alexa, change bedroom mode to cool.
Note 3: Alexa Compatible Device Names Cielo Smart Thermostat for Mini-Splits
Cielo Breez Edge name should be compatible with Alexa. Alexa does not understand names with special characters or numbers. It only understands simple English names for devices. Following guidelines must be followed for Alexa to be able to control your Cielo Breez Max:
- Use names with alphabets only. For e.g. “Bedroom”, “Bed Room”, “bedroom”, “bed ROOM” all are unique in writing but not in hearing. Alexa will hear “bedroom” for all these names. Alexa will only send the command to the device that comes first in the search if there are two devices with similar names.
- Alexa will not be able to identify device if there are any spell mistakes, for e.g. “bedroooom”.
- Alexa will not be able to identify names with special characters or numeric, e.g. “b3dr00m”, “bedrom.”
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