Samsung SmartThings app accepts Cielo Smart Thermostat name similar to the Cielo Home app.
To configure your Device with Samsung SmartThings, follow the instructions given below:
Step 1: Log In to SmartThings
Note 1: In order to use the SmartThings app, you'll need a Samsung account. If you already have a Samsung account, that's perfect. If you don't already have one, please create a Samsung account to move further.
Once you open the SmartThings app, tap on ‘Continue’ to proceed.
SmartThings uses the following permissions. Tap on ‘Continue.’
Step 2: Integrate Cielo Device with SmartThings
In the navigation bar, tap on ‘Devices.’ Then tap on '+.'
Tap on ‘Add’ in front of partner devices.
Search for ‘Cielo’ in the search bar. Tap on ‘Next.’
Step 3: Sign In to Cielo Home App
Enter your Cielo Home app credentials. Tap ‘Sign-in.’
Your Cielo device has now been successfully integrated with SmartThings. You will be shown a list of devices that are connected to your Cielo account. Tap on “Done”.
Step 4: Using SmartThings App to Control your Air Conditioning
In order to use SmartThings app controls, select ‘Devices’ in the navigation bar. Tap on the registered device which you want to control.
It will give you the following controls:
- Turn your Thermostat On/Of.
- Change the mode between Heat, Cool, Auto, Dry, and Fan.
- Increase or decrease the set point temperature.
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