Presets are predefined comfort settings for different situations. There are 4 default Presets in Breez Edge - Home, Away, Sleep, and Pets. You can not add more, but you have the option to change the settings if you want.
Editing a Preset Using the Device
You can enjoy a truly tailored experience with predefined comfort settings, including Home, Away, Sleep, and Pets.
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Presets'.
Step 2: Select the 'Preset' you want to edit.
Step 3: Change the mode and adjust the temperature setpoints according to your preferred settings.
Editing a Preset Using the Cielo Home App
Step 1: From the device control screen, tap on the ‘Settings’ icon on the top right corner.
Step 2: Tap on ‘Preset’.
Step 3: Select the Preset you want to edit.
Step 4: Make your desired changes and tap on the ‘Done’ button.
Your Preset has been updated successfully.
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