Setting up Comfy Humidity Using the Device
Comfy Humidity automatically changes your settings if the room humidity goes above or falls below a pre-set value.
Step 1: Go to 'Menu' and select 'Comfy'.
Step 2: Tap on the 'Comfy Humidity’.
Step 3: Tap on the template.
Step 4: Choose your preferred humidity range.
Step 5: Tap on ‘Edit/View settings’ to select what actions to perform if the humidity falls below or goes above the set range, e.g., changing its mode, setpoint, and fan speed to help it get back into the preferred humidity range.
Step 6: Add a name for this template and tap on ‘Done’.
Step 7: Your Comfy settings are now saved. It is disabled by default. You can turn Comfy Humidity 'On' from the toggle next to the name of the Comfy Humidity template.
Setting up Comfy Humidity Mode Using the Cielo Home App
Step 1: On the Home screen, tap on the Breez Edge you want to set Comfy
humidity mode on.
Step 2: Tap on ‘eSaver’ in the navigation bar.
Step 3: Tap on 'Comfy'.
Step 4: Tap on a template under the ‘Humidity’ section.
Step 5: Choose your preferred humidity range.
Step 6: Tap on ‘ Custom Settings’ to select what actions to perform if the humidity falls below or goes above the set range, e.g., changing its mode, mode, and fan speed to help it get back into the preferred humidity levels. Tap on ‘Done’ once you have selected your settings.
Step 7: Add a name for this template and tap on ‘Done’.
Step 8: 'Comfy Humidity' is now set. You can turn Comfy Humidity 'On' or 'Off' from the toggle next to the name of the Comfy Humidity. Once the device triggers the defined comfy humidity mode actions, you will get a notification in your app timeline.
Step 9: You can also turn Comfy Humidity On/Off from the app control screen. Tap on the 'Up' arrow icon at the bottom of the control screen.
Step 10: On the pop-up navigation bar, tap on 'Comfy' to toggle it On or Off. Currently, it is turned 'Off', shown by the greyed-out icon.
Step 11: Select the desired Comfy Humidity template.
Step 12: Comfy Humidity is now active, and the Comfy icon will turn white.
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